With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more
With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more

with the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more

They would return from hunting in time for harvest. Plantings would often occur in the spring just before families headed west for the hunting season. Corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, and sunflowers, were grown and harvest was stored underground in pits.

with the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more

Usually the role of women, these people used buffalo bones as tools to plant and harvest crops. The best seeds were saved and planted in soil near their homes, beginning the tradition of farming. In addition to hunting for game, early people gathered and ate wild plants. Some of the earliest people to live in this area were gardeners. The economy relies on many agricultural businesses including those related to storing, transporting, and processing farm products. Kansas is known as the " Wheat State" and " Breadbasket of the World." Farming has been a way of life in Kansas, impacting its politics, laws, innovations, culture, social customs, and traditions.

With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more